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Witamy w MCASF  Lokalne 725 Fundusze Świadczeń  

W ramach tej witryny będziesz mieć teraz dostęp przez 24 godziny na dobę, 7 dni w tygodniu do najczęściej żądanych formularzy, przydatnych wyróżnionych linków, często zadawanych pytań dotyczących świadczeń oraz bezpiecznego dostępu do informacji o korzyściach osobistych.

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Laptop Writing

Cenne informacje w zasięgu jednego kliknięcia!

Changes To The Health Plan ~ Effective May 1st


Member Assistance Program
Is Now Available!


Blue Background

A Better You

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Information & webinars for a healthier you...

Construction Worker

DC Fund Preliminary Investment Results

3.5% YTD as of May 31, 2024


Monthly Newsletter

The Science of Happiness:

Whether you see the glass half full or half empty, there is information based on neuroscience and positive psychology that provides insight into the necessary steps for you to become a happier person!

Monthly Video

The Science of Happiness:

Check out this brief video to discover how intregrating simple strategies can boost your well-being and lead us towards happiness!

Niebieski blog na Florydzie

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Niebieskie centra na Florydzie

Life Advisor Well-Being Webinar

Couple with Mobile Phone

Stay Informed About Your Benefits.....

With text messages from us!

Sign Up today so you don't miss out on important information.

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Typing on a Keyboard

Participant Portal


Do more online.....

Did you know you can change your address directly on the portal or you can update your beneficiaries.

You can complete your enrollment form directly on the portal. Form is pre-populated with your information currently on file so it's easy to update, just a few clicks and you are done.

If you are a pensioner, you can change your bank information on your direct deposit.

If you need to send us important personal documents such as a birth certificate for a new born or a marriage certificate for your new spouse, you can now upload those documents securely through the participant portal.

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