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Rada Powiernicza Lokalu 725 MCASF Przejście na emeryturę o zdefiniowanej składce  Fundusz ma przyjemność powitać Państwa w programie Zdefiniowana składka  stronie internetowej. W ramach tej witryny będziesz mieć teraz dostęp przez 24 godziny na dobę, 7 dni w tygodniu do najczęściej wymaganych formularzy, przydatnych wyróżnionych linków i często zadawanych pytań dotyczących informacji o świadczeniach.
Stock Market Data

About the Defined Contribution Fund

The MCASF Local 725 Defined Contribution Retirement Fund is a defined contribution retirement plan. The Plan most recently was amended and restated, effective July 1, 2021, and subsequently was amended from time to time to make necessary and desirable changes.

The Plan is managed by a Board of Trustees comprised of both Local Union 725 and MCASF representatives. This site provides Participants with online access to complete information about your Defined Contribution Retirement Plan.

You should file an Retirement Application well in advance of the date you expect to retire. You may request an Application from the Benefit Office, as well as seek assistance during the application process. Early filing will help you to avoid a delay in the processing of your application and the payment of benefits.

Defined Contribution
Annual Statements

The 2023 Valuation of your DC account(s) has been mailed.

Watch your mailbox for your statement.

You can see your account balance with the interest gained in 2023 right now by logging into your participant portal!

DC Fund Preliminary Investment Results

3.5% YTD as of May 31, 2024

Piggy Bank

Oświadczenia DC

Twoje wyciągi z konta uczestnika w 2021 r. dla funduszu emerytalnego o zdefiniowanej składce

są w produkcji do wysyłki.

Nie musisz czekać na pocztę, już teraz możesz otrzymać saldo 2021!

Zaloguj się do swojego portalu, aby wyświetlić....

Image by Katie Harp

Okres wyborów od
1 października do 30 listopada

Mark your calendar to do the 2025 Election to increase your retirement benefit

Image by Carlos Muza

2022 Summary    Annual Report

The Summary Annual Report (SAR) provides members with important information regarding the Plan. The SAR is required by law to be provided to members by November 15th of each following year.

Levitating Books

Summary Plan Description

The Board of Trustees are pleased to provided you with the Summary Plan Description, Effective July 1, 2021

This SPD provides the most up to date summary of plan provisions and rules.

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