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  • Często zadawane pytania przez pracodawców | Benefit Services

    FAQs This page contains Frequently Asked Questions regarding Employer Services. Should you have a question or concern regarding services for employers, you should contact Benefit Services at 754-777-7735 or Employer Services Frequently Asked Questions Q. Can I remit my contribution reports weekly? A. Yes, you can elect to remit your reports weekly. Please be advise that your reports are due within 10 working days from the weekly payroll period. ​ Q. Can I remit my contribution reports monthly? A. Yes, you can remit your reports monthly. Please be advised that your reports are due within 10 working days from the last day of the month. ​ Q. I have a small company and I report weekly, can I report two pay periods on one report? A. No, if you report two payroll periods on one report, the first week of that report will be deemed late as it will be received after 10 working days following the end of that payroll period. ​ Q. If I am late with my remittance report and payment, is there a penalty? A. Yes, if your report and payment is received after 10 working days after the weekly payroll period end or month end period, a late fee will be assessed. Refer to the Collection Policy on the Documents link. ​ Q. What is the late remittance penalty? A. The following provisions apply to the assessment and payment of the late payment assessment: 1) If you have not been late more than two times in a twelve month period, the fee shall be 10% of the contributions total amount due. 2) If you have been late three times in a twelve month period, the fee shall be 15% of the contributions total amount due. 3) If you have been late more than three times in a twelve month period, the fee shall be 20% of the contributions total amount due. ​ Q. Am I required to have a bond? A. Yes, all employers are required to submit a bond. $1,800.00 per employee if you report weekly or $4,000.00 per employee if you report monthly. The Benefit Office will provide you with your requirement bond amount, which is reviewed every 6 months. If there is no change in your required amount, you must submit your "Continuation Certificate" each year. ​ Q. Can I remit my reports through the mail? A. No, all contractors must submit their remittance reports online through the employer portal. Please contact the Benefit Office for assistance with logging into the portal. ​ Q. Can I make my payment electronically? A. Yes, you can submit your payment via ACH or Wire transfer. If you need to send a check, please contact the Benefit Office for assistance. ​ Q. How do I know if my employee elected to contribute to the DC Fund? A. The Benefit Office sends each contractor a list of their Local 725 members who elected to contribute to the DC Fund. The election period is October 1st through November 30th each year for the following year and the list is mailed to you before the end of December so you can program the member's payroll deduction accordingly. You may get a new employee during the year and that employee's referral will list his/her DC elective. Also, the employee is responsible to inform his new employer of his/her election and you can also contact the Benefit Office to obtain that information. ​ Q. I have an employee who elected to contribute to the DC Fund, is there any penalty if my remittance report is late? A. The Department of Labor requires that employee 401(k) elective deferral contributions must be deposited into the Plan in a timely fashion. The CBA dictates that elective deferral contributions are considered timely if they are received at the Benefit Office within 10 working days following the end of the payroll period and that failure to timely deposit employee elective deferral contributions results in a prohibited transaction under Section 4975 and Form 5530 (Return of Excise Taxes Related to Employee Benefit Plans) must be filed by the employer responsible to deposit those elective deferral contributions timely. ​ Q. I'm an Owner-Operator, is there an hourly requirement that I must remit? A. Yes, you must submit the actual number of hours worked, however, you must remit minimum of 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year. If you are remitting monthly reports, you would remit your contributions on a minimum of 173.33 hours per month. ​ Q. For an Owner-Operator, am I required to remit on a certain number of bargained employees? A. Yes, you must remit on at least one apprentice or one journeyman in addition to yourself. ​ Q. When is the next wage & benefit rate increase? A. The Wage & Benefit rate increases generally occur on July 16th of each year. ​ Q. If I am on a Participation Agreement with the Health Fund, am I required to provided coverage to all my non-bargained staff? A. Yes, all non-bargained employees must be given coverage for any employer utilizing a Participation Agreement. ​ Q. On the remittance form, there is a reporting fee...what is this? A. An employer shall pay the Service Corporation a processing fee per weekly or monthly reporting period determined by the Service Corporation, which fee shall be added to contribution reports & payments as noted in "Article XI: Fringe Benefits, section 11.01, paragraph F. Contribution Reporting Fee" in the CBA. The current processing fee is $6.00 per reporting period, this fee was previously invoiced separately quarterly to employer, beginning with the 7/19/19 wage & benefit schedule, this fee has been added directly to the remittance form. ​ Q. I received a letter indicating my company has been selected for an audit, what does this mean? A. The Trustees of the Service Corporation in conjunction with the Employee Benefit Trust Funds has established a Collection Policy to ensure the effective and efficient collection of contributions from employers. To monitor and ensure proper compliance with the CBA, the Funds have established a payroll (shop) audit program. This program allows an independent auditor to inspect/examine pertinent business records to ensure compliance. The program has randomly selects contributing employers monthly to examine their records once every three years. The current independent auditor is Novak Francella, LLC, who conducts the audits either electronic submission or in person. ​ Q. What records to I have to provide for a payroll (shop) audit? A. The pertinent business records that the independent auditor (Novak Francella) include but not limited to: ​ * Payroll books and records, including weekly payroll records; * IRS forms 941; * IRS forms 1099; * IRS forms 940; * Daily time sheet records; * General Ledger and cash disbursement records; * Florida tax form UTC-6; * Any other records or documents that are deemed necessary to complete the audit. ​ Q. Do I have to comply with a payroll (shop) audit? A. Yes, any employer that fails to cooperate in any examination authorized by the Funds shall be responsible for all of the costs and attorney fees incurred in compelling the employer's compliance. ​ Q. What if the audit shows an underpayment? A. If the examination of your books and records reveals that an amount is due, then in addition to all other assessments due to such underpayment, the employer shall pay the cost to have performed the audit and any attorney or collection fees incurred.

  • Często Zadawane Pytania | Benefit Services

    FAQs This page contains Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Defined Contribution Retirement Fund. Should you have a question or concern regarding your defined contribution retirement benefit contact the Benefit Office at 754-777-7735 or Defined Contribution Retirement Fund Frequently Asked Questions Q. When do I become vested? A. You become 100% vested in your Employer account when you obtain 2 full vesting credits. You are 100% vested in your Elective account immediately. ​ Q. Do I need to do anything to enroll in the Plan? A. No, you become a Participant automatically after you work one (1) hour in covered employment. ​ Q. What is the Plan Year? A. The Plan Year is January 1st through December 31st. ​ Q. When can I start Participating in the Plan? A. You must work at least one (1) hour in covered employment within a Plan Year. ​ Q. Who is eligible to become a Participant in the Plan? A. You are eligible to participate in the Plan if you work for an employer that is required to make contributions to the Defined Contribution Retirement Plan for the work you perform. For most Participants, this means working in a position covered by a collective bargaining agreement between the employer and the union. If you are an owner/operator, you can participate provided you contribute 40 hours per month. ​ Q. How do I apply for a benefit? A. The first step is to request an application from the Benefit Office. The application is also available on the website for your convenience. The application form will come with instructions and information about the type of documentations you will need to include with your completed application. ​ Q. What if I get divorced? A. If you get divorced, please contact the Benefit Office to update your records. If you wish to change your beneficiary designation, the Fund Office can provide you the proper form. Please note: Your former spouse may have rights to all or part of your benefit even if you designate a new beneficiary. A court may issue a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) in connection with your divorce requiring the Defined Contribution Retirement Plan to pay part or all of your Defined Contribution Retirement Plan benefit to your former spouse for reasons such as spousal or child support or division of marital property. Please contact the Benefit Office for further information regarding QDRO requirements. ​ Don't forget to contact the Union Hall (305) 681-8596 to provide them with a copy of your divorce decree. The Benefit Office does not and cannot provide a copy to the Union Hall without your written approval to share that information/documentation. ​ Q. What happens if my spouse remarries after I die? Will he/she lose the benefits from the Plan? A. No. Payments to your surviving spouse will not be affected by remarriage. ​ Q. If I die, will my spouse or other beneficiary automatically be contacted about death benefits? A. If you are actively employed when you die, the Benefit Office will contact your spouse or beneficiary. Otherwise, your spouse or beneficiary will need to notify the Benefit Office of your death to get the process started. You should alert your spouse or beneficiary to that need. ​ Q. What is the Valuation Date? A. The value of your individual account is updated as of December 31st of each Plan Year. The value of your account includes:

  • Contact | Local 725 Benefits | United States

    KONTAKT nas Tel. 754-777-7735 Faks. 754-999-2205 ​ ODWIEDZAĆ nas poniedziałek - piątek 8:00 - 17:00 ​ 15800 Pines Blvd., Apartament 201 Sosny Pembroke, FL 33027 POWIEDZIEĆ nas Sukces! Wiadomość otrzymana. Wysłać

  • Health Frequently Asked Questions | Local 725 Benefits | United States

    FAQs This page contains Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Health Fund. Should you have a question or concern regarding your health coverage, contact the Benefit Office at 754-777-7735 or Health Fund Frequently Asked Questions Q. Who are my eligible dependents? A. Your lawful spouse; Your biological children up to age 26; Your legally adopted children up to age 26; Your step-children up to age 26; and Child for whom you have been appointed legal guardian by court for length of guardianship or to age 26, which occurs first Q. When do I become eligible for benefits? A. You will become initially eligible for benefits on the 1st day of the month after you have accumulated contributions paid by your employer of 400 or more employment hours during a 5 consecutive month period. ​ Q. How do I maintain my continued health care coverage? A. Once you have passed initial eligibility, to maintain your coverage, you must work at least 100 hours per month. If you do not work 100 hours per month but have sufficient hours in your hour bank to make up the difference, your coverage will be continued. ​ Q. I worked over the amount of hours needed for coverage, what happens to those additional hours? A. For any hours you work over 100 in a month, those exceeded hours are placed into your "hour bank", the maximum amount of exceeded hours allowed to be placed in the hour bank is 1,000 hours (10 months of coverage). You may utilize hours in your hour bank to assist you in maintaining coverage (i.e. You only worked 60 hours in a month, so you will be short by 40 hours for coverage but your hour bank has a balance of 200 hours. The Fund will withdrawal 40 hours from your bank and add those hours to the 60 hours you work to ensure you have continued coverage. After the withdrawal, your hour bank balance will be 160 hours). Q. How do I add my new baby or spouse to my insurance plan? A. You must submit a completed, signed Enrollment & Vital Information Form along with other required legal documentation to the Benefit office. You can download the Enrollment & Vital Information Form located under Health Care Document section on this website and mail it into the Benefit Office. You must enroll your new dependent within 30 days of birth, adoption, marriage or other important life changes. Documents Required Are : (you must provide these documents or your dependent will not be covered) Spouse: copy of your marriage certificate, copy of spouse's photo ID, copy of spouse's Social Security Card Child : copy of your child’s birth certificate, copy of child's Social Security Card, copy of child's photo ID (if applicable) Step-child : copy of legal decree for coverage, copy of recent tax return, child’s birth certificate, copy of child's Social Security Card, copy of child's photo ID (if applicable) Adopted child: copy of legal decree of adoption, copy of child's Social Security Card, copy of child's photo ID (if applicable) Child for whom you have been appointed their legal guardian: original copy of legal guardianship documents, copy of child's Social Security Card, copy of child's photo ID (if applicable) If Temporary guardianship, status updates will be required every 6 months Failure to remit the required enrollment & vital information form and documents will delay your dependent from getting on coverage. Q. How do I add my spouse to my healthcare benefit? A. Please contact the Benefit Office at (754) 777-7735 for more information. You may also download an Enrollment & Vital Information form located under Health Care Documents section on this website. Once downloaded, complete the enrollment & vital information form in its entirety and submit a copy of your marriage certificate, a copy of spouse's photo ID and copy of spouse's Social Security Card. Failure to remit the required enrollment & vital information form and documents will delay your spouse from getting on coverage. Q. How do I add my newborn child to my healthcare benefit? A. Please contact the Benefit Office at (754) 777-7735 for more information. You may also download an Enrollment & Vital Information form located under Health Care Documents section on this website. Once downloaded, complete the enrollment & vital information form in its entirety and submit a copy of your newborn child’s birth certificate and copy of child's Social Security Card when available. You must enroll your newborn child within 30 days of birth. Failure to remit the required enrollment & vital information form and documents will delay your newborn child from getting on coverage. Q. Whom should I contact if I'm getting a divorced and what documents do I need to submit? A. Please call the Benefit Office and advise the Healthcare and Retirement Services Departments that you are getting a divorce or have already gotten divorced. You will also need to submit a FULL copy of your Judgment of Divorce, Marital Assets/Property Agreements and orders or decrees to the Benefit Office. You should request a new beneficiary form. ​ Don't forget to contact the Union Hall (305) 681-8596 to provide them with a copy of your divorce decree. The Benefit Office does not and cannot provide a copy to the Union Hall without your written approval to share that information/documentation. ​ Q. I am a first year Apprentice, do I get health coverage? A. No health coverage is not available for first year apprentices. When you advance to a second year apprentice, you will be come eligible for health coverage after 1 hour of work as an Apprentice 2nd year is remitted on your behalf. Eligibility begins on the first day of the month following receipt of that 1 hour of work. ​ Q. Whom should I call if I have questions about my eligibility? A. Please contact the Benefit Office at (754) 777-7735 Q. What if I don’t have enough contributions or hour bank credits to gain eligibility for the month? A. If you fail to have the required employer contributions or hour bank credits to continue healthcare coverage, you may continue coverage by electing COBRA. Each month, the Benefit Office will determine if you have enough hours or hour bank credits to continue eligibility. If you do not, you will receive a COBRA package in the mail explaining your rights under COBRA. It is important to read this package thoroughly so that you are aware of your rights and understand the steps for continuing coverage under COBRA. Q. Will my child(ren) who is/are age 19 through age 26 be covered under the Plan? A. Yes. Due to the Healthcare Reform Act, dependent children are now eligible to remain on the coverage until the age of 26, regardless of student status. Please contact the Benefit Office at (754) 777-7735 for more information. Q. How do I make a payment to continue my Health Care coverage? A. You may remit monthly COBRA self-payments via personal check, money order or cashier’s check to MCASF Local 725 Health & Welfare Fund at 15800 Pines Blvd., Suite 201, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027. You may also pay through your PayPal account, the PayPal button is located on the Health main page. Q. How do I inquire about the status of my medical claim? A. Your medical claims are paid by Florida Blue. Should you have any questions on your medical benefits, claims status, please contact BCBSFL at (800) 664-5295. ​ Q. How do I request a new medical ID card? A. To request a new medical ID card, please contact Benefit Office at (754) 777-7735. ​ Q. Is there a deductible for the insurance? A. Yes, In-Network; $500 per person/ $1,500 family. Out-of-Network; not applicable. Generally, you must pay all of the costs from providers up to the deductible amount before this plan begins to pay. If you have other family members on the plan, each family member must their own individual deductible until the total amount of deductible expenses paid by all family members meet the overall family deductible. The medical plan's benefit year is January 1st through December 31st. ​ Q. Is there a deductible or co-payment on office visits? A. Yes, there is a $45.00 co-payment for a doctor's office visit. ​ Q. Is there a charge for an Emergency Room visit? A. Yes, there is a $300.00 deductible per visit. Urgent care cost is more lower, please check out this helpful flyer Know before you go - Urgent Care vs. Emergency Room t o help you determine which facility you should received care. ​ Q. Is there a maximum I will pay for medical claims? A. Yes, once you have met your calendar year deductible, you will pay 20% of the cost for your medical service and the Fund pays 80% of that cost. Once you have paid $3,600 per person / $7,200 family out-of-pocket for your calendar medical claims then the Fund pays 100% of your medical claims for the rest of that calendar year. ​ Q. I'm an Actively working member and I have illness that is preventing me from working, does the Fund offer any benefits? A. Yes, if you become disabled due to illness or non-occupational bodily injury, you may qualify for short term disability if you meet the requirements. You may be entitled to a benefit based on your job classification if your injury or illness occurred off the job. Benefit for General Foreman, Foreman, R5, R1 & MESJ is $500.00 per week. R2 & Apprentice 5th Year is $360.00 per week. And for R3, R4, MES2, MES3, Apprentice 2nd Year , 3rd year & 4th Year and MAT it is $250.00 per week. A maximum benefit of 26 weeks. Please contact the Benefit Office at (754) 777-7735 for further information. ​ Q. I need a prescription, is there a co-payment? Where can I get my prescription filled? A. Yes, the Fund has 3 levels of prescription co-payments, in addition, there is mail order available which will save you money if your prescription is for a longer period. ​ > Generic Drugs: $15 co-pay for retail and $30 co-pay for mail order > Preferred Brand Drugs: $35 co-pay for retail and $70 co-pay for mail order > Non-Preferred Brand Drugs: $65 co-pay for retail and $130 co-pay for mail order If you utilize an Out-of-Network Pharmacy, you will have a 50% co-insurance cost on your prescription. > Specialty Drugs: Subject to the cost share based on applicable drug tier. Not covered through mail order. Sav-Rx is our pharmacy benefit manager effective May 1, 2024, if you click on their website link on the Health Care page of this website, you will be able to find a Pharmacy near you or call (800) 228-3108. ​ Q. Is there a maximum I will pay for my prescriptions? A. Yes, once you have paid $900 per person / $1,800 family out-of-pocket for your calendar prescriptions cost then the Fund pays 100% of your prescription cost for the rest of that calendar year. ​ Q. How do I request a new prescription ID card? A. To request a new prescription ID card, please contact Sav-Rx at (800) 228-3108 or you can call the Benefit Office at (754) 777-7735. ​ Q. Is there any other benefits than the medical provided by the Fund, like dental? A. Yes, the Fund offers Dental Coverage through Florida Combine Life, a Florida Blue company. Check the Health Documents page for information on Florida Blue Dental. To find an in-network dentist quickly and easily, visit ​ Q. Is there a maximum benefit for the dental plan? A. Yes, the Plan Year maximum is $2,500 with coinsurance payable by Florida Blue Dental for covered services at 70%. You pay the remaining 30% of covered services. Orthodontia service for all insured with a lifetime maximum of $1,000. Dental plan year is January 1st through December 31st. ​ Q. How do I request a new dental ID card? A. To request a new dental ID card, please contact Benefit Office at (754) 777-7735. ​ Q. Is there any life insurance provided by the Fund? A. Yes, the Fund offers a self-funded Life Benefit and Accidental Death & Dismemberment benefit program for actively working members. There is no benefit available for your spouse or dependents nor if you are a retiree. ​ Q. I'm struggling with an issue, is there any counseling available? A. Yes, effective October 1, 2023, the Fund offers a Member Assistance Program through Ulliance. The Life Advisor Member Assistance Program provides assistance to members and their dependents cope with the many personal and work challenges that we all struggle with from time to time. You can read more on the program here . You can call 24/7 at (800) 448-8326 to speak with a counselor who can assist you or log in at ​ Q. I am going to be retiring soon, is there any benefits provided to retirees? A. Yes, the Fund offers a reimbursement for your medical coverage if you worked in the GF, F, R1, R2, R5 , MESJ and MES2 job classifications and for the 60 consecutive month period preceding your retirement worked or had coverage, you may be eligible to receive a Retiree Subsidy payment. For more information on the Retiree Subsidy Benefit, click here . ​ Q. I am going to be turning 65 and am actively working, do I have to sign up for Medicare Part B? A. No, if you are of Medicare age but are actively working and covered under our Fund, you do not have to sign up for Medicare Part B &/or Part D but you must sign up for Medicare Part A. This is also applicable to your spouse, if your spouse is of Medicare age and covered under your health coverage from this Fund, your spouse does not have to sign-up for Medicare Part B &/or Part D. Your spouse does have to sign up for Medicare Part A though.

  • Pension Frequently Asked Questions | Local 725 Benefits | United States

    FAQs This page contains Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Pension Fund. Should you have a question or concern regarding your retirement benefit, contact the Benefit Office at 754-777-77353 or Pension Fund Frequently Asked Questions Q. How do I become a Participant in the Plan? A. You will become a Participant on the first day of the month in which you accrue 400 Hours in Covered Employment during a period of 12 consecutive months beginning with your first day of employment ending on your first anniversary of employment. ​ Q. I am going through a divorce, what happens to my pension? A. If your former spouse is awarded a portion of your earned benefit through the Plan, it will be necessary that you and your former spouse complete a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) so that the Plan can pay benefits to your former spouse. You may contact the Benefit Office and request that a sample QDRO be provided to you. ​ Q. Does the Pension Plan affect Social Security benefits in any way? A. No. ​ Q. Can pensions be paid or assigned or garnered to others? A. No. Pensions cannot be assigned to a third party. The only exceptions are for payments in accordance with a "Qualified Domestic Relations Order," or on the death of the Participant to a designated beneficiary. ​ Q. If benefits are denied, may a participant or beneficiary appeal? A. Yes. Any participant or beneficiary denied a benefit has the right to appeal to the Trustees within 60 days after the date shown on the letter of denial. The rules for filing an appeal are briefly outlined in your Summary Plan Description (SPD). ​ Q . How far in advance should I request an application for retirement? A. You can request an application for retirement any time during the 180 days prior to your expected retirement date but in no event, not later than the last working day of the month prior to the month in which you want to retire with this Plan. Though you can download the application on this website, you will still need the benefit option form, which details optional benefits as well as the monthly value for those benefits. That form is provided to you from the Benefit Office only. ​ Q. In addition to the application for retirement, what other documents do I have to submit to the Fund office? A. You will need to provide photocopies of the birth certificates for you and your spouse, copy of your marriage license, copy of photo state issued identification for you and your spouse, and copy of you and your spouse's Social Security card. If you are divorced, you are required to submit a copy of the final judgment of dissolution with copies of the marital settlement or property settlement agreement and/or a copy of the Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO). ​ Q. I am currently receiving a monthly pension benefit from the Plan and would like to change the tax withholding. What needs to be done? A. You can change your tax withholding as often as you wish by completing a new W-4P which can be obtained from the Benefit Office or downloaded from the website. Once this form is completed, you must return it to the Benefit Office for implementation. You may submit your W-4P form through the Participant Portal. ​ Q. I am currently receiving a monthly pension benefit from the Plan and would like to change the bank account information. How do I change this information? A. You can change your direct deposit information by completing a new Direct Deposit Form which can be obtained from the Benefit Office or downloaded from the website. Once this form is completed, you must return it to the Benefit Office for implementation. You may also change your bank account online through the Participant Portal. ​ Q. I am thinking of retiring, what is the earliest age I can retire? A. A member can retire as early as age 55 as long as you have 10 vesting credits. If you retire early, your benefit will be reduced for every month you retire prior to the normal retirement age of 65. Also, if you retire early, you may not work in the trade, craft, industry anywhere in the United States and continue to receive your monthly benefit, you will be suspended until you are no longer work. You should contact the Benefit Office to discuss your eligibility for early retirement. Q. I recently moved, how do I change my address? A. For your protection, all address changes must be submitted in writing. You can change your address in one of three ways: a) Mail or fax a letter to the Benefit Office with your new address or b) Complete the Address Change Form located on the website and mail or fax to the Benefit Office for processing. c) Log into your Participant Portal and complete the address change form online. ​ Q. I am age 65 and I'm contemplating retiring, can I still work for my employer and receive my monthly pension benefit? A. If you are age 65 and want to retire and continue to work for a Local 725 contributing employer, YES, you can receive your monthly pension benefit and continue to work for your Local 725 contributing employer. There is no restriction of the number of hours you work for that Local 725 contributing employer either and still receive your pension. ​ Q. Whom should I contact if I'm getting a divorce and what documents do I need to submit? A. Please call the Benefit Office and advise the Healthcare and Retirement Services that you are getting a divorce or have already gotten divorced. You will also need to submit a FULL copy of your Dissolution of Marriage Judgment, QDRO (Qualified Domestic Relations Order) Martial Settlement or Property Settlement Agreement and any Qualified Medical Child Support Order to this office. ​ Don't forget to contact the Union Hall (305) 681-8596 to provide them with a copy of your divorce decree. The Benefit Office does not and cannot provide a copy to the Union Hall without your written approval to share that information/documentation. ​ Q. I am age 65, retired and still am working for my employer, does my pension get adjusted for the work I am doing now? A. Yes, an age 65+ working retiree, will have their monthly pension benefit adjusted for the work they are doing in a Plan Year as long as you work at least 400 hour in the plan year, which runs January through December. Each February, the Benefit Office reviews all working retirees of Local 725 contributing employers and recalculates their monthly pension benefit based on the hours worked and contributions received on your behalf. ​ Contact Retirement Services for any additional questions you may have about your pension benefit.

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  • Board of Trustees | Local 725 Benefits | United States

    ZARZĄD POWIERNIKÓW POWIERNICY PRACY ​ Kenneth E. Scott, Jr. Współprzewodniczący Lokalny UA 725 ​ Thomas Flavell Lokalny UA 725 ​ Robert Heslekrants Lokalny UA 725 ​ Ralph Castro Lokalny UA 725 ​ ​ POWIERNICY ZARZĄDU ​ Eduardo Llosent Współprzewodniczący Klimatyzacja Airtech Julie Dietrich MCASF Carlos Borja Weathertrol Chris Figueras EvoAir Larry oznacza Alternatywny Chłodnice południowo-wschodnie ​ ​ Zjednoczone Stowarzyszenie Instalatorzy instalacji klimatyzacyjnych i chłodniczych Zrzeszenie lokalne 725 Stowarzyszenie Wykonawców Mechanicznych Południowa Floryda 13185 Aleja NW 45 Opa Locka, FL 33054 (305) 681-8596 160 W. Camino Real #132 Boca Raton, FL 33432 (305) 290-3970

  • Board of Trustees | Local 725 Benefits | United States

    ZARZĄD POWIERNIKÓW Jeffrey Allen Administracja Lynn McFadden Administracja Josh Allen Opieka zdrowotna ​ Usługi emerytalne Roberto Mattei Administracja Lianet Prieto Usługi dla pracodawców 15800 Pines Blvd., Apartament 201 Sosny Pembroke, FL 33027 (754) 777-7735

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